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You don’t have to be in poverty anymore!
Start with the ground breaking book, Abundance Factor by Joe Vitale and Richard Kuhns B.S. Ch. E.
How do you define abundance and what factors go into becoming an abundant person?
That’s the subject matter of a brand new book that has taken Amazon by storm.
Author Richard Kuhns B.S. Ch.E. is proud to announce that he has hit the top of the Amazon book charts with his latest book “The Abundance Factor – How To Tap Into The Unlimited Abundance Of The Universe And Have Anything You’ve Always Wanted” which he co-authored with his good friend, Joe Vitale, the legendary author of “The Attractor Factor” and star of the hit movie, “The Secret.”
The book is a vast collection of stories compiled from the world of spirituality, business, finance, and relationships and is the ultimate guide to achieving unlimited abundance in every area of a person’s life.
This might be new to you, but handling stress is often an
important factor in creating abundance in your life. As a bonus to
receiving free tips to build self esteem, I'll provide a "once a
month" free course on how to manage stress. Cancel at any time,
but I'm sure you'll find them of tremendous value
without having to purchase anything.
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Soft Cover Book-Order on Amazon for $18.95 or get it here for $11.95 plus S&H while supplies last. |
According to Richard, “When Joe Vitale contacted me about co-writing the book, I couldn’t believe my luck. It was truly an honor to have been his co-author in this ambitious project. As the title suggests, there are many factors that prevent us from finding abundance and many factors that help us to achieve unlimited abundance.
This book shows you how to overcome the negative factors and attract the positive factors that ultimately lead to a lifetime of real abundance
that you can enjoy.”
The book was released on April 23, 2018 by Expert Author Publishing and contains over forty stories that share the secrets to finding real abundance in a person’s life. The deep personal stories range from a tantalizing tale of rags to riches to learning the secrets to overcoming stress and regaining control over one’s life.
“The Abundance Factor” is written for those who are committed to finding a way to change their lives and want to break free from the countless everyday struggles they are currently experiencing. The book goes far beyond just talking about living an abundant life and shows you forty examples of people who took action and made abundance possible from the throes of hardship and failure to become the people they are today..
Each story has been carefully produced from the real life adventures of all the authors listed and brings together lessons learned that will both motivate and inspire anyone on their own journey to finding abundance.
Richard states unequivocally, “My own road to abundance was a long and arduous journey filled with many ups and downs but I learned abundance starts in the mind first. All the great turning points in my life coincided when my mindset was aligned with the authentic me.”
“The Abundance Factor” was a long time in the making but the end result is another winning combination of inspirational stories mixed with a time-honored message that everyone can relate to… achieving true abundance in financial, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
When asked why the book has become so popular, Richard remarked. ”Everyone wants to attain a certain level of abundance in their life but most people don’t know how to get there. The Abundance Factor is their roadmap to a happier and healthier new life.”
Here's Richard's break through program, based on his book, My Dog Got Run Over by a Rainbow, to build self esteem. And, when you've used the program, you'll see it's priceless--even $250 would be a bargain.
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Digital Download Version | Physical CD Version |
Download both CDs now plus bonus report & e-books. |
Receive both CDs by mail plus download bonus reports & e-books. |
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Plus, you get $76.75
in valuable self esteem boosting ebook bonuses
In addition to the 2 CDs with 5 sessions guaranteed to turn your life around with eye opening revelations and self worth building affirmations, you’ll also get with my How To Improve Your Self Worth program—5 separate ebooks absolutely free!
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Bonus ebook #1 |
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Bonus ebook #2 Undo unconscious habits squashing your self confidence Master the 9 rules of assertiveness |
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Bonus ebook #3 |
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Bonus ebook #4 |
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Bonus ebook #5 |
Normally, all of these revealing ebooks would cost you a total of $76.75– but you’ll get all 5 FREE with your order of the How To Improve Your Self Worth program.
These breakthrough techniques have helped thousands of people just like you, to finally experience life to its fullest!
“The program is very informative and I appreciate the value in the lessons on self-esteem. I’m a new me!” - K Smith
"Your CD's are the real deal. Many other self-help programs talk a big game but fail to deliver. You on the other hand, have made an immediate positive impact on my perception of myself. I feel blessed to have the chance to learn from you." -Alex Myers
You’ll get the 2 CDs with 5 life-changing sessions…
...plus the 5 FREE self-worth enhancing ebooks—everything for only $47
That's right. You have time to learn and practice the entire program and every ebook - and keep it ONLY if you agree your life is now headed in the right direction.
I've spent over 20 years helping people just like you
have the 'ah-ha' moment to feel better, no matter
what happens in life.
I've put together this easy-to-use and understand program
so you can take positive action and seize every experience
in life and profit from it.
And I'm willing to let you download and use everything - risk-free, and request a 100% refund if you don't find yourself on
a path for personal growth.
There’s no getting around it. People with good self-esteem bounce back, time and time again, and to higher and more rewarding places than they were before.
YOU can finally end your thoughts of self-loathing, guilt, shame and all the anxious feelings plummeting when every emotional domino falls.
If you do nothing, you will wake up tomorrow with the same self doubt that brought you to this website in the first place.
Or you can take my risk-free offer to download the How To Improve Your Self Worth program and 5 FREE Bonus ebooks so you’ll finally get the positive outlook to unlock your full potential and prosper forever.
I sincerely hope you take this first step to your new life.
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Digital Download Version | Physical CD Version |
Download both CDs now plus bonus report & e-books. |
Receive both CDs by mail plus download bonus reports & e-books. |
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To the new you!
Richard Kuhns
PS— The sooner you listen to and apply this program, the sooner you can take charge of your life.
“If you really want to pull the plug on a lifetime of
bottled up emotions dragging you down then this
program will give you the tools you need to do just that.
How To Improve Your Self Worth
YES, I'm ready to break loose from a lifetime of
limiting beliefs and enjoy the rich, rewarding heart
and soul I was born with.
I pay only $47 for the 2 CD, 5 session How To Improve Your Self Worth program - including the 5 FREE Bonus ebooks! I understand I have a full 60-days to decide, if not I can cancel and receive a 100%, no-questions
asked refund.

Manage Stress Effectively
“I honestly never realized there was so much circular thinking surround-ing self-esteem issues! I was listening to this program to help someone else build their self-esteem and realized that I do many of the wrong things, YIKES!!
I started to really get into the pro-gram where it talks about what self-esteem means to different people.
The examples all sound really good until Kuhns points out that they are all goal oriented, meaning that if you don't get that reaction or reach that goal, you will feel like you have failed. This was very interesting.
Another fantastic part was when it explained emotions and what to do about them if they are eroding your self-esteem. I very much resonate with the idea that emotions will come and go but that I do have a say in the action I take after I experience an emotion.
It's that whole recognition thing that can happen before the reaction. That 2 second pause that you can take before the so called ‘dominoes fall’. It's so true and the bit after that about ‘letting it be’, is where the real power lies for me.
Maybe I can't eradicate all bad feel-ings but I can choose to not continue reacting to them and I can stop that chain reaction. It reminds me of that thing that happens when you wake up and stub your toe, or something like that, and then the rest of your day takes on that tone. Bad things seem to attract to you like a magnet!
You know you have had that happen. So, the program helped me really understand my part in that whole reaction process and how just that bit of observation and thought can really give you loads of control and relief. It feels great!
I also really like the bit about affirma-tions. I could never understand why someone would say something nice but that wasn't true. It always felt like lying or some strange delusional fantasy but now I finally get it! For me, affirmations were always like one of those hidden pictures that I would stare at forever and everyone could just walk up and see the hid-den image but me like that movie Mall Rats..."Dude, it's a sailboat."
Now I get it though, and now I see why those basketball players practice making the shots in their minds. It's all about programming your brain. I love computers so that really does make sense to me. Look here brain, you're getting an overhaul and we're going to build self-esteem into every process we can think of...LOL.
-Stephanie Monte
True story about one of my patients we’ll refer to as John…
He was referred to me by his psy-chologist when he was 26 years old. He went to the psychologist because he had no self worth.
The psychologist suggested that he find a career—he was a high school graduate. Somehow he and the psy-chologist decided that if he were to become a machinist—something he admired, he'd feel better about him-self and have self esteem help.
He was in a catch 22 situation in that he needed to take a course and pass a test in order to get over low self worth. He understood the mate-rial but when it came to taking the test, he was all nerves and failed it.
Instead of him feeling better about himself, he felt like a failure. His psy-chologist sent me to me so he could relax and pass the test.
Instead of him feeling better about himself, he felt like a failure. His psy-chologist sent me to me so he could relax and pass the test.
The psychologist's approach was the typical, "accomplish something, ac-quire something," and you'll get over low self worth. Yes, it's the approach used nearly 100% of all programs for overcoming low self worth that I've seen. You are supposed to be able to overcome low self worth by getting better at something.
Unfortunately, this is a "catch 22" approach--a set-up for failure. I'm not saying that everyone who uses this approach fails to accomplish the goal of acquiring a skill or educa-tional level, but this approach is not how build true self worth. It's a set up for failure. Overcoming low self worth with this approach is a myth.
Look around you. Most of your friends, family, and acquaintances have been building self worth based on their accomplishments and acqui-sitions.
It was indeed a challenge getting John out of his failure path of having no self worth. More so because the psychologist set him up for failure--the psychologist actually set the path for him to stay stuck with low self worth.
Eventually he got his act together but it wasn't by becoming a machinist although he did graduate with flying colors. He learned how to build and improve self worth by learning to deal successfully with life's chal-lenges and to like himself in the face of disappointment.